Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Seattle will win the Superbowl

In what has been a typical NFL regular season, the play-offs spawned a not-so-typical Superbowl contest. The Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers will play in Detroit for the NFL Championship. Along the way, many so-called "dominate" teams have fallen, most notably the Indianapolis Colts. The New England Patriots were looking for their third straight Superbowl win as well, until they lost early in the play-offs.

Seattle has the NFL MVP (Shaun Alexander) for their featured running back, a quarterback in Matt Hasselbeck that has one of the highest QB ratings in the league, and a dominate defense and offensive line which has demonstrated their composure and strength down the play-off stretch. Seattle's special teams have been consistent, and WR's Darrell Jackson and Bobby Engram have been under-rated in my opinion.

I take nothing away from the Steelers, whom have shown tremendous ambition and courage to this point of the season. They have some depth as well, but I don't believe they can get it done this year against a Seattle team that I believe has the whole package. QB Ben Roethlisberger has lead what has been dubbed the NFL's "underdogs" to the Superbowl in pro fashion. At this point all Pittsburgh wants to accomplish is a certain level of notority or respect for a Steelers team whom have been greatly disrespected. That's some powerful motivation, especially for RB Jerome Bettis who grew up in Detriot (home to this year's Superbowl). It definetely proves to be a heart-felt and passionate game for both teams, but I believe the Seahawks will have the slight edge.

Further in-depth analysis by Rich Eisen (NFL Network):
Dr. Cheeks (


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lizard,
I agree that Seattle may have a well-rounded team, but you seem to discredit Pittsburgh by not mentioning their talent. But I do agree that Seattle may have the "edge".

Anonymous said...

Well written, but wrong conclusion. Pittsburgh will triumph.